I’m alive…

I haven’t posted in ages.  I know, I know, nobody reads these things anyways.

I started a new/old job about a month ago.  I’m back at Sierra Communications again 🙂  Its not much different than before, so its been easy to get into the flow of things.

I’ve been playing alot of Minecraft, and I really need to take some new pictures and show off our progress.  The original starting group has dwindled some, but we’re still building things!  We also recently got the new world onto the old server software, so I can finally get back to some projects in Alpha!  It had to be shut off while we were playing in the new world 🙁

I also need show off the big project I’ve been working on in Demonreach.  It is nearly done, so i hope to share the pictures soon! I’ve been trying to take some at different stages throughout the construction 🙂

Buddy is doing good, except that he NEEDS to be brushed. He’s pretty stubborn about it and won’t let me get much done at a time.  Its very frustrating to say the least.  He does like the new shelf beside my recliner, as seen in the picture 🙂